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Wireless Ad Hoc And Sensor Networks

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Livre Broché
08 - 2008
2 à 4 jours
CHF 168.50

Résumé du livre

Informationen zum Autor Houda Labiod received a PhD degree in Computer Science from the University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, France in 1998. From 1999 to 2000, she worked as an assistant researcher at Eurecom Institute in Sophia-Antipolis (France) in the Mobile Communications Unit. Since September 2000, she is an associate professor at ENST (Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications) in the INFRES (Computer Science and Network) department. She is an author of a book titled "De Wi-Fi à Bluetooth" (Hermès Editions, 2004). Her main research interests include optimization of mobile and wireless networking and mobile ad hoc networks (unicast routing, multicast routing, security, QoS routing). Klappentext Two new fields have recently appeared: mobile ad hoc networks and sensor networks. The emergence of these very promising systems is mainly due to great technological progress in the field of wireless communication protocols; these will make it possible to offer a broad range of new applications in both civilian and militarian domains. The inherent characteristics of these systems imply new challenges. This book deals with several relevant fields related to the evolution of these spontaneous and self-organized networks. The authors tackle critical problems such as the design of unicast/multicast routing protocols, the support of the quality of service, the security mechanisms for routing and data transmission, the service discovery, the techniques of clustering/self-organization, the mobility of code and the fault-tolerance techniques. The discussion adopts an analysis-oriented approach which aims to cover the current cutting-edge aspects of these fields and to highlight some potential future development, making it essential reading for anyone wishing to gain a better understanding of these exciting new areas. Zusammenfassung Two new fields have recently appeared: mobile ad hoc networks and sensor networks. The emergence of these very promising systems is mainly due to great technological progress in the field of wireless communication protocols; these will make it possible to offer a broad range of new applications in both civilian and militarian domains. Inhaltsverzeichnis Chapter 1. Introduction 1 Houda LABIOD Chapter 2. Ad Hoc Networks: Principles and Routing 7 Stéphane UBÉDA 2.1. Introduction 7 2.2. Hertzian connection 12 2.2.1. Physical layer impact 12 2.2.2. Shared access to medium 15 2.2.3. Flooding 19 2.3. Routing 21 2.3.1. Dynamic source routing (DSR) 23 2.3.2. Ad hoc on-demand distance vector (AODV) 25 2.3.3. Optimized link state routing (OLSR) 26 2.3.4. Topology based on reverse-path forwarding (TBRPF) 28 2.3.5. Zone-based hierarchical link state routing protocol (ZRP) 29 2.3.6. Location-aided routing (LAR) 30 2.4. Conclusion 32 2.5. Bibliography 33 Chapter 3. Quality of Service Support in MANETs 35 Pascale MINET 3.1. Introduction to QoS 35 3.1.1. Different QoS requirements 36 3.1.2. Chapter structure 36 3.2. Mobile ad hoc networks and QoS objectives 37 3.2.1. Characteristics of mobile ad hoc networks and QoS 37 3.2.2. Routing in mobile ad hoc networks 40 3.2.3. Realistic QoS objectives 48 3.3. QoS architecture and relative QoS state of the art 49 3.3.1. Different QoS components 49 3.3.2. QoS models 51 3.3.3. QoS signaling 53 3.3.4. QoS routing 56 3.4. An example of QoS support: QoS OLSR 57 3.4.1. Description of QoS OLSR 58 3.4.2. Performance evaluation 59 3.5. Conclusion 61 3.5.1. Summary 61 3.5.2. Perspectives 62 3.6. Bibliography 62 Chapter 4. Multicast Ad Hoc Routing 65 Houda LABIOD 4.1. Introduction 65<...