Trees And Shrubs Of Afghanistan
Résumé du livre
This is the first book which presents in detail almost all the ligneous species of Afghanistan. The book is presented in two parts :
- Part I covers the essential dendrological features and ecological requirements of ligneous plants, which are necessary for field identification.
- Part II is a description of 559 species and subspecies belonging to 142 genera and 63 families. Of these, 452 species are treated in detail. The book contains 383 colour photos of specimens from the herbariums of Wien (W) (Austria), Geneva (G) and Lausanne (LAU), Switzerland. There are also 40 black and white drawings.
Families, genera and species are arranged alphabetically based on the scientific name of the taxon. Most of the species and subspecies are accompanied by their synonyms and for some their vernacular names have been included.
The book is completed by a glossary, a bibliography and a detailed index accompanied by synonyms.