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Structural Dynamics In Industry

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Livre Broché
08 - 2008
2 à 4 jours
CHF 221.60

Résumé du livre

Informationen zum Autor Alain Girard is a well-known expert in structural dynamics at Intespace. He is also Professor at the University of Toulouse, SUPAERO and ENSICA in France. Nicolas Roy is a mechanical engineer at Intespace. He is also a lecturer at various European universities. Klappentext The book focuses on the behavior of structures subjected to a vibrational or shock environment. It takes a systematic approach to the basic concepts in order to enhance the reader's understanding and to allow industrial structures to be covered with the necessary degree of depth. The developments are explained with a minimum of mathematics and are frequently illustrated with simple examples, while numerous industry case studies are also provided. Zusammenfassung Structural Dynamics in Industry focuses on the behavior of structures subjected to a vibrational or shock environment. It takes a systematic approach to the basic concepts in order to enhance the reader's understanding and to allow industrial structures to be covered with the necessary degree of depth. Inhaltsverzeichnis Foreword xiii Preface xv Introduction xvii Glossary xxiii Chapter 1. General Introduction to Linear Analysis 1 1.1. Introduction 1 1.2. Motion types .2 1.2.1. Sine motion 2 Pure sine 2 Swept sine 4 Periodic motion 5 1.2.2. Transient motion 5 1.2.3. Random motion. 7 Random process 7 Time analysis 8 Statistical analysis 9 Power spectral densities 12 1.3. Time domain and frequency domain 14 1.3.1. Introduction 14 1.3.2. The time domain 15 1.3.3. The frequency domain 16 1.4. Frequency Response Functions 17 1.4.1. Introduction 17 1.4.2. Frequency Response Functions and responses 18 1.4.3. The nature of excitations and responses 19 1.4.4. The nature of Frequency Response Functions 21 1.5. Equations of motion and solution. 24 1.5.1. Equations of motion .24 1.5.2. Solution using the direct frequency approach 26 1.5.3. Solution using the modal approach 27 1.5.4. Modes and 1-DOF system 28 1.6. Analysis and tests 29 Chapter 2. The Single-Degree-of-Freedom System 33 2.1. Introduction 33 2.2. The equation of motion and the solution in the frequency domain 35 2.2.1. Equations of motion 35 2.2.2. Motion without excitation 35 The conservative system 35 Dissipative system 37 2.2.3. Solution in the frequency domain 39 2.2.4. Dynamic amplifications 43 2.2.5. Response to a random excitation 49 2.3. Time responses. 51 2.3.1. Response to unit impulse 51 2.3.2. Response to a general excitation 55 2.3.3. Response spectra 56 2.4. Representation of the damping 61 2.4.1. Viscous damping 61 2.4.2. Structural damping 62 2.4.3. Other representations 64 Chapter 3. Multiple-Degree-of-Freedom Systems 65 3.1. Introduction 65 3.2. Determining the structural matrices 66 3.2.1. Introduction 66 3.2.2. Local element matrices 67 3.2.3. Element matrices in global reference form 68 3.2.4. Assembly of element matrices 70 3.2.5. Linear constraints between DOF 72 Introduction 72 DOF elimination 73 DOF introduction. 77 3.2.6. Excitation forces 79 3.3. The finite element method 80 3.3.1. Introduction 80 3.3.2. The rod element 82 3.3.3. Beam finite element in bending 83 3.3.4. The complete beam finite element 86 3.3.5. Excitation forces 88 3.4. Industrial models 89 3.4.1. Introduction 89 3.4.2. The el...