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Particle And Continuum Aspects Of Mesome

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Livre Broché
08 - 2008
2 à 4 jours
CHF 326.10

Résumé du livre

Informationen zum Autor George C. Sih , Office of Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, East China University of Science and Technology Moussa Nait-Abdelaziz , Lille University of Sciences and Technology, Polytech Lille, France Toan Vu-Khanh , Universite du Quebec, Ecole de technologie superieure Klappentext This title brings together a variety of papers presented at the 9th annual Meso meeting in 2007. The topics selected for Meso 2007 are designed to illustrate the relation of thresholds to multiscaling: Flow through capillary tubes in contrast to pipes Laminar and turbulent flow transition Heat convection of thin wires in contrast to cylinders Electrical conductance of macro- and nano-circuits Rubbery and glassy polymers Single- and poly-crystal behavior Strength of wires and round cylindrical bars Uni-axial and multi-axial material: linear and non-linear response Thin and thick plate behavior Brittle and ductile fracture Small and large crack growth behavior Low and high temperature effects Local and global material property characteristics Small and large bodies: size and time effects Specimen and structure Zusammenfassung This title brings together a variety of papers presented at the 9th annual Meso meeting in 2007. Inhaltsverzeichnis Section I: Physical Mechanisms of Multiple Damage 1 Multiple hierarchical scale-dependency on physical mechanisms of material damage: macromechanical, microstructural and nanochemical 3 G.c. Sih Surface layers and inner interfaces as functional subsystems of solid 37 V.E. Panin, S.V. Panin and A.V. Panin Microstructural evolution in dual-phase steels at high strain-rates 45 M.N. Bassim and A.G. Odeshi Plastic deformation in single cryctal Ni3Fe (thin and thick plates) 55 S.V. Starenchenko, V.A. Starenchenko and LP. Radchenko Mechanisms of physical aging in polypropylene 63 G. Guero and T. Vu-Khan Section II: Physical, Mesoscopical and Multiscale Models 73 Finite element homogeneization for the determination ofthe RYE size for elastoviscoplastic Polycrystalline Materials 75 H. Haddadi and A. Salahouelhadj An incremental energy based fatigue life calculations method for metallic structures under multiaxial amplitude loadings 83 J. Benabes, N. Saintier, T. Palin-Luc and F. Cocheteux Meso/micro fatigue crack growth involving crystal structure and crack geometry 91 C.A. Rodopoulos and G. Chliveros Development of a nonlinear homogeneization method: evaluation and application to a rubber-reinforced material 105 V. Bouchart, M. Brieu, D. Kondo and M. Nait-Abdelaziz Cavitation of rubber toughened polymer: numerical and experimental investigation 113 N. Belayachi, N. Benseddiq and M. Nail-Abdelaziz Ductile damage by interface decohesion  123 N. Bonfoh, S. Tiem and P. Lipinski A multiscale discussion of fatigue and shakedown for notched structures 131 G. Bertolino, A. Constantinescu, M. Ferjani and P. Treiber Two scale approach for the defect tolerance fatigue design of automotive components 145 H. Gadouini and Y. Nadot Section III: Film, Layer and Interface 153 Plastic deformation and fracture ofthin metallic films on annealing in terms of the multilevel model ofa deformed solid 155 A.V. Panin and A.R Shugurov Mesoscopic model for electroactive Composite Films and its applications 163 D. Roy Mahapatra and RV.N. Melnik Interfaces of one-way glass/epoxy composite in inflexion 171 A. Djebbar and L. Vincent Point defects ofthe elastic properties oflayered structured nano-materials 183 T.E. Karakasidis, CA. Charitidis and D. Skarakis DFT study of interactions o...