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Maritime strategies for the 21st century : the contribution by admiral Castex

Editions Nuvis
Livre Broché
10 - 2016
Nombre de pages
160 × 240 × 10 mm
2 à 4 jours
CHF 34.80

Résumé du livre

The sea is getting more and more important. Globalisation leads to a maritimisation of the world. Maritime communications and resources from the sea are vital to all of us. The sea is also an area of potential confrontation where the stakes are high. It follows that navies will always be the first line of defence. As a result, maritime and naval strategies are more important than ever. But new challenges and opportunities associated with the sea mean that these strategies need to be re-examined and renewed.

Against that background, this book offers new insights and paths to follow when considering strategy in the maritime domain. It builds on the theories of Admiral Castex - France's greatest strategist.

Admiral Rogel, Chief of the French Navy, writes in his foreword : « We are going through a period characterised more than ever by complexity and uncertainty. In the coming years, and in spite of this uncertainty (but in particular because of it), it is vital that we stay vigilant in order to preserve the coherence of our capability choices associated with our defence and security ambitions. Through his analytical grids, Lars Wedin sheds light on the principles which endorse these considerations. »

Défense and Sécurité International praises the French edition : « The features of this book make it the maritime/naval book of the year and it is highly recommended to all those interested in the subject. »