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Human Rights in Criminal Proceedings

Oxford University Press
Livre Relié
04 - 2005
Nombre de pages
166 × 245 × 44 mm
2 à 3 semaines
CHF 218.60

Résumé du livre

Informationen zum Autor Stefan Trechsel is Professor of Criminal Law and Procedure at the University of Zurich, and a former President of the European Commission of Human Rights. Klappentext This book examines the rights of accused persons in criminal proceedings. The case-law of the international bodies dealing with this issue is presented and critically examined by an author who has contributed to its creation for almost a quarter of a century. He places particular emphasis on the European Court and Commission of Human Rights but also gives considerable coverage to the application of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the American Convention on Human Rights. Zusammenfassung Interest in human rights has grown enormously overthe past fifty years. But while the media focus mainlyon dramatic issues such as unlawful killings, torture,disappearances, or free speech violations, institutionscharged with the implementation of human rights(as set out in international treaties) spend a great dealof their time dealing with alleged violations that takeplace during criminal proceedings.And in the futuresuch issues will become even more important as aresult of the increasing internationalization of theadministration of criminal justice.In this book, the case-law of the most importantand influential international bodies dealing withsuch issues is presented and critically examined byan author who has spent almost a quarter of acentury contributing to its evolution. The EuropeanCommission and the European Court of HumanRights, in particular, have accumulated aconsiderable quantity of case-law,which is ofparticular interest because of its applicability in bothAnglo-Saxon and Continental systems of criminalprocedure. The law of the European Convention isemphasized because of its advanced procedures andthe quality and quantity of its case-law, however the author also gives considerable coverage to the application of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the American Convention on Human Rights.The book will be of interest to all scholars,practitioners, and students of international criminallaw and human rights. Inhaltsverzeichnis Acknowledgements Tables of Cases List of Abbreviations Part One: Introduction 1: About this Book 2: The Scope and Application of the Right to a Fair Trial in Criminal Matters Part Two: The General fair Trial Guarantees 3: The Right to an Independent and Impartial Tribunal 4: The General Right to a Fair Trial 5: The Right to a Public Hearing 6: The Right to be Tried Within Reasonable Time Part Three: The Specific Rights of the Defence 7: The Right to be Presumed Innocent 8: The Right to be Informed of the Accusation 9: Adequate Time and Facilities 10: The Right to Defend Oneself and Have the Assistance of Counsel 11: The Right to Test Witness Evidence 12: The Right to the Free Assistance of an Interpreter 13: The Privelige Against Self-incrimination 14: The Right to Appeal 15: The Right to Compensation for Wrongful Conviction 16: The Protection Against Double-Jeopardy Part Four: Measures of Coercion 17: Liberty and Security of Person: The Rules on Imprisonment 18: The Rights Guaranteed to all Persons Deprived of their Liberty 19: The Rights of Persons Detained on Remand 20: Other Fundamental Rights Affected by Criminal Proceedings Select Bibliography Index ...