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Benjamin Cano Intimo a Creative Universe

Livre Broché
05 - 2024
Pas encore publié
CHF 51.50

Résumé du livre

Klappentext An illustrated portrait of the architect Benjamin Cano. Zusammenfassung """The intimate desires to be collective"": the creative experience of an humanist. This monograph is not a compilation of the best work of Benjamin Cano! but the portrait of an architect who shows his process of working through texts! photographs! drawings! sculptures and other creative areas intrinsically related to the art of architecture. Hence! recovering the experience from the great humanists! he does not settle for a mere collection of photographs and drawings of his best works! but offers us traces and reminders of an intimate journey! of his creative experience. Benjamin Cano. Intimo becomes a reference work! it shows the architecture as a work-in-progress! the process of an architect who uses every expressive means at his disposal to reflect on the practice of artchitecture and share it with us."