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An Introduction To Nanoscience And Nanot

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Livre Broché
08 - 2008
2 à 4 jours
CHF 95.20

Résumé du livre

Informationen zum Autor Alain Nouailhat is Director of Research at the CNRS, Paris, France. Klappentext This book recalls the basics required for an understanding of the nanoworld (quantum physics, molecular biology, micro and nanoelectronics) and gives examples of applications in various fields: materials, energy, devices, data management and life sciences. It is clearly shown how the nanoworld is at the crossing point of knowledge and innovation. Written by an expert who spent a large part of his professional life in the field, the title also gives a general insight into the evolution of nanosciences and nanotechnologies. The reader is thus provided with an introduction to this complex area with different "tracks" for further personal comprehension and reflection. This guided and illustrated tour also reveals the importance of the nanoworld in everyday life. Zusammenfassung This book recalls the basics required for an understanding of the nanoworld (quantum physics! molecular biology! micro and nanoelectronics) and gives examples of applications in various fields: materials! energy! devices! data management and life sciences. It is clearly shown how the nanoworld is at the crossing point of knowledge and innovation. Inhaltsverzeichnis Foreword xiii Acknowledgements xv Preface xvii Chapter 1. What are Nanos? 1 1.1. What are we talking about? 3 1.2. References 7 1.2.1. Two basic facts 7 1.2.2. Two approaches 9 1.2.3. Two key points 11 1.3. Some bonus material for economists 13 Chapter 2. Some Science to Get You Started 15 2.1. Quantum physics 17 2.1.1. From the traditional world to the quantum world 17 2.1.2. Two fundamental concepts 19 Wave-corpuscle duality 19 Probability in the quantum world 21 2.2. The key players 22 2.2.1. The electron 22 The cornerstone of matter 22 Electronic states 23 The quantification of energy 24 Bonds 25 2.2.2. The photon 27 The wave 27 The energy grain 30 2.3. Molecules 34 2.3.1. From the smallest molecule to the largest and their spectacular properties 34 2.3.2. Functionality 35 2.4. Solid matter 36 2.4.1. Insulators or conductors. 36 2.4.2. Semi-conductors 37 Silicon crystal 37 Electrons and holes 40 Junctions 40 2.4.3. Nanomaterials 41 2.5. Quantum boxes: between the atom and the crystal 41 2.6. Some bonus material for physicists 42 2.6.1 Luminescence 42 2.6.2. The laser device 44 Chapter 3. The Revolution in Techniques Used in Observation and Imagery 51 3.1. Observing with photons 53 3.1.1. The optical microscope in visible light 53 3.1.2. X-ray machines 54 3.2. Observing with electrons 55 3.2.1. The transmission electron microscope (TEM) 55 3.2.2. The scanning electron microscope (SEM) 56 3.3. Touching the atoms 58 3.4. Observing how our brain functions 60 3.4.1. Nuclear magnetic resonance 60 3.4.2. Functional magnetic resonance imaging 61 3.5. Some bonus material for researchers 62 Chapter 4. The Marriage of Software and Hardware 69 4.1. Small is beautiful 71 4.2. Miniaturization 71 4.3. Integration 72 4.3.1. The silicon planet 72 4.3.2. An expanding universe 78 4.4. Programs 82 4.5. Some bonus material for mathematicians 83 Chapter 5. Mechanics of the Living World 89 5.1. Proteins - molecules with exceptional properties 93 5.1.1. The program of cellular production 94 5.1.2. Reading instructions and the production of proteins 95 5.1.3. How does it...